Grade 3/4W we have been reflecting on a busy Term 2

Here in Grade 3/4W we have been reflecting on a busy Term 2.  We have been speaking about the  achievements, highlights and challenges from throughout the term, as well as what we are looking forward to in Term 3.

Highlights / Things We Enjoyed:

  • Kitchen
  • Endangered Animal Projects
  • Music
  • Art
  • Netball Clinic
  • Making new friends
  • Senior side
  • Cubbies
  • Sport
  • Lion King Rehearsals
  • Cross Country
  • Joined writing
  • Garden
  • Lego
  • Maths
  • Our Lovely Teacher
  • Learning new things
  • Footy
  • Gaga ball
  • Computers
  • Movie Night

Things we have learned / Challenges:

  • Building Cubbies
  • Cooking
  • Division
  • Joined writing
  • Times Tables
  • Gaga Ball
  • Writing
  • Netball
  • Feeding the chickens
  • Projects
  • New Rules
  • Music Performance
  • New timetable
  • Thinking of ideas
  • To be confident

Things we are looking forward to in Term 3:

  • Museum excursion
  • Camp
  • Doing more art
  • Kitchen and Garden
  • New Kindergarten
  • Lion King Performance
  • Sharing stories
  • Presenting our Endangered Animal projects
  • Maths
  • Seeing Friends
  • Birthdays
  • Basketball
  • Cubbies
  • Music
  • Games
  • Minecraft

It’s been an amazing Term 2 packed with heaps of learning, growing and exciting discoveries, and we look forward to much more in Term 3 after a well deserved break!